Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It has been some time since I last posted on here. I would like to announce at this point a new format for this particular blog. While I still take issue with hypocrisy in religion, I have elected to no longer pursue this as the basis for this particular blog. I am now focusing my efforts in a different direction. I will now dedicate this space on the internet known as my blog to chronicling my efforts towards the ends of self-discovery,finding my inner voice vis-a-vis writing, and general miscellany. I do not anticipate much traffic as my first posting garnered very limited views. I suspect that if you are reading this it is because you are a friend or aquaintance of mine. However, if you do not fall into those categories, or even if you do, welcome! I would appreciate feedback on my writings if you feel so inclined, and please note that all feedback will be considered. I hope you enjoy what you read here.

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